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Minggu, 16 September 2007


The main difference that can appear on womb gall is formed gall stone. On womb gall, stone can causes inflammation is called acute chollesistitis or terrific pain in the right side and spread to back ( colic biler ).
Sometimes, stone formed on momb tube, example because seam trace of surgery or an Asian because similliar of parasit warm. Because of damage, womb tube become narrow and can causes yellow illness and may be spread infection to heart.
Causes of Gall Stone
Complex of balance
Womb on the body arranged on complex of balance, because at the normal person on the moment there is overcome colesterol that will be dissolved to become womb fluid. It can be happen at the middle of night and wacked if fasting purposely on the long time.
Overcome Colesterol
Overcome colesterol not enough to form gall stone, must be the other factor of flashes that start happening stone gall formed. The particle appeared protein that found in mucus that formed womb gall an little amount, maybe colesterol make a particle like solid crystal that small measure.
Bilirubin on womb is very easy to dissolve and never cause the problem if not to do. Bilirubin can explain by a kind of enzym ( protein ) that founded on gall tube and also there is on bactery and a kind of warm that can cause infection on womb gall. If it happened bilirubin can joint with colesterol make mixture stone, or can formed stone like pigment without combination with other component or joint with calcium.
Obesitas can make easy formed of gall. But on the over weight person if weight decrease cuickly can cause gall stone too.
A kind of medicine can cause heart to out of colesterol into tube gall, and maybe formed gall stone. Klofibrat, gemribosil and bezabirat are some of medicine that can form stone.
The Symptomp of Gall Stone
Colic Biler
Colic biler is a terrific pain on upper of abdomen that can happen everytime, and also at the middle of night. Usually pain on the right side, spread to back and continue until a few of hour and can cause the sustain vomit.
Yellow Illness because of Pluging
Yellow illness appear because of plug on tube gall by stone. Usually pain and the body look yellow and rather green if not cured.
Acute Cholesistitis
Acute cholesistitis is a situation there is inflammation on womb gall. Usually it happen because of plug by stone on the tube into womb gall. It happen suddenly or slowly on few days. The complain like fever and pain on upper right of abdomen. If the imflamation continued, womb gall can failed pus.
Acute Pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis is pain that attack suddenly and short continue. It can happen because of a small stone that plug gall tube to intestinum, that make inflammation on estuary to intestinum minor and pancreas tube.
Medication of Gall Stone
Opeartion on Gall Stone
Operation with take womb gall because there is stone on it called cholesistectomy. Operation have done more than a hundred year and still have done the best to solve gall stone.
Medication by Using Conedeocsicolic and Ursodeocsicolic Acid
A both of this medicine can dissolved colesterol of gall stone that the diameter unless 15mm and this stone not pregnant other particle like calcium. For medication are needed conedeocsicolic acid on high dosage, but it often causing dyare. Dyare will decrease if the dosage decreased, but make the medication not effective. For used on low dosage, ursodeocsicolic increased, so can increasing effect that raised.
Injuring a kind of fluid into tube that formed “T” and this fluid will dissolve gall stone
After a few of days, stone will reduce so can pass gall tube or moreover lose. The fluid that usually injured is monooctamin.

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